Implementing Industry 4.0 Why & How

The present global competition & the ever-changing market requirement is the main driving force in today’s Industrial Production.

Manufacturing & Industrial process has evolved through multiple revolutions:

  • 1st Revolution:-Streamlining the operations of manufacturing plants
  • 2nd Revolution:-Introduction of electricity to Industry
  • 3rd Revolution:-Automation
  • 4th Revolution:-Industry 4.0

The 4th revolution concentrates mainly on the opportunities for increasing the profit of industrial production, increase the flexibilities in the production process & provide pointers and traceability of inefficient methods & processes.

Following steps form the roadmap as part of implementing Industry 4.0 in an industry.

Understand the Pain areas

Get a clear understanding of the pain areas which are commonly associated with Information Challenges, Equipment Maintenance & Upkeep, Work Force shortages, Safety Hazards & Planning linkage

Data Linking & Integration to a common platform (IoT)

Link the factory floor (Instrumentation, Automation, OT Layer) data using the various communication layer, getting the data in a common platform & linking with IT Layer

KPI & Escalation

Identification of the Key Performance Indicators graphical reporting Alarm management, Alarm escalation and close loop data identification (Big Data) Remote Monitoring, Real-Time Anomaly Detection

Industry 4.0

Overall Equipment Efficiency, Statistical Process Control, Asset Management, Production Management, Reporting, Analytics, Real-Time Predictive Maintenance, Real-Time Automated Decisioning Systems

Axim Automation Technologies can help evaluate the current state of your data storage and your automation. Based on findings, we can create an implementation road map to take you toward your goals. Normally this begins with data organization and other foundational means of translating sensor data in real time and end with other automation processes.